
SocialNLP2018 Workshop Challenge


What is EmotionX?

EmotionX is an emotion detection task on dialogues in the EmotionLines dataset. Participants will need to detect the emotion for each utterance among four label candidates: joy, sadness, anger, and neutral. Participants need to REGISTER and sign the consent form first to obtain the complete dataset for the challenge.

Important Dates

May 1, 2018: Task Registration Deadline
May 7, 2018: Task Paper Submission Deadline
May 14, 2018: Test Set Release
May 18, 2018: Results Due
May 21, 2018: Evaluation Notification
May 28, 2018: Task Paper Camera Ready

Call For Papers

Each team needs to submit a paper describing their system before the task paper submission deadline. This is MANDATORY. After the notification of evaluation, participants can analyze their models and results accordingly and update their paper so as to submit their camera ready version. There will be a special session in the workshop for the EmotionX task. Those teams that achieve the best results or propose novel models will be selected for oral presentation in this session, and others should present their systems with posters. The type of presentation, oral or poster, will be announced together with the evaluation results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Yes, the paper should be submitted in ACL style format with maximum 8 pages. The submission site is the same as the workshop research paper.
Yes, we will evaluate on two datasets(Friends, EmotionPush) separately.
The submission format is the same as the dataset with extra participant information. Submission Template
Your first paper draft should include the data/method and your own evaluation result (perhaps using your own validation set). We will generate an overview paper accordingly. As the paper is mandatory, only runs from those who submit the first draft will be evaluated. Then we will release the official evaluation results and you can update your paper to include them and further discussions before the camera ready deadline.
Due to the very limited number of other emotions, we will only evaluation on [ joy, sadness, anger, and neutral ] in the challenge this year.


Lun-Wei Ku
Academia Sinica
Chao-Chun Hsu
Academia Sinica